Cache Valley Engagements

Meagan and Seth drove up to Cache Valley for their stunning Cache Valley engagement session. I am so excited to get to work with them. Not only are they one of the cutest couples and so in love with each other, I got to photograph Meagan‘s older sister, Jessica's wedding a few years ago. So getting to shoot her wedding will be so fun for me to get to see her family all over again!!

Cache Valley Photographer

These two met in their friend group and ward down in Provo. Their first date was bowling and going to get Penguin Brother's ice cream afterwards. They think of this day is one of their favorites and often get penguin ice cream to celebrate milestones. They got engaged in the canyon above where they live in Utah Valley and then Megan had to go on a study abroad in Europe for several weeks. We took these pictures right when she got home and it was the best because they were so excited to see each other and so in love with each other. Her sweater top was even from her travels in England, how cool is that!

Logan Wedding Photographer

The way that I knew Meagan‘s older sister, Jessica, is a pretty cool story. She served as a missionary in Montana where my family is from. She ate Thanksgiving dinner at my family‘s house one year. After she got off her mission, she said her mission friend up with my brother who ended up marrying him. I got to shoot Jessica and Kyler‘s wedding just a few weeks after my own wedding and they have their own sweet daughter now. I can't wait to work with Megan and Seth now!

If you want information about Rachel photographing your wedding day, see more information here!