My Twin Pregnancy and Birth Story

I absolutely love love being a mom. It seems like I've been preparing for it for years and years. Heavenly Father must have known that I was feeling confident so he threw me a curve ball and included another baby with my delivery. I never imagined motherhood of twins but I had a few inklings early on, like my pants already didn't fit at 7 weeks pregnant.

Our babies are identical and had one placenta between then and they shared the same sac with just a very thin membrane in-between them. It was automatically a high risk pregnancy because identical twins and get sick if one baby gets more blood than the other in utero. We were fairly lucky with our pregnancy and while we had a smaller baby with lower levels than the other, it stayed relatively stable until delivery via c section at 36 weeks. We had ultrasounds 2-3 times a week for months and each one was charged as two ultrasounds-- crazy. They avoided NICU time luckily as well even though I'm not sure that anyone prepared me what it would be like to have two newborns at home while healing from a major surgery.

Twin life took a minute to adjust to. Mostly the fact that you have to do everything twice. In my world, 2 diapers equals 1 diaper. When we go to an appointment, I have to fill out two sets of paperwork. When we go out in public, we hear tons of "you got your hands full," or "are they twins?" or "do twins run in your family?" Which gives me the perfect chance to answer whether twins run in our family. The babies are getting faster on their feet so in fact they do currently run in our family :) But since they are identical twins, they are an egg that split which is a random chance event. I do actually have twins that run in my family, which can only happen if there are fraternal twins in your mother's mother's line. My maternal grandma had fraternal twins which points to hyper ovulation. Who knows what could happen to us in the future but I do want more kids!

Adding more to this post soon!